Works - Search


Ergo (1996)

for solo-piano and wind ensemble : flute, oboe, 2 clarinets, horn, 2 trumpets, trombone and 2 percussions[More...]

Ensemble Court-Circuit (enregistrement Ircam), piano : Jean-Marie Cottet, direction : Pierre-André Valade

Category: Works, Ensembles (8 - 20 instruments)


Tahir (1995)

oriental fantasy for viola, string orchestra and small percussion[More...]

Orchestre des Pays de Savoie, Dimitrios Polisoidis, Mark Foster

Category: Works, Works for soloists and orchestra


Diffractions (1993)

for three percussions[More...]

Diffractions. Exécuté par l’Ensemble Varianti de Berlin.

Category: Works, 3 instruments


Tempor (1991-1992)

for sextet (flute, clarinette, piano and string trio)[More...]

Tempor. ensemble proton bern

III St Petersburg International New Music Festival

Tempor. Ensemble Lemniscate, direction Leonardo Muzii, Gare du Nord Basel, 12 juin 2013

Tempor. Exécuté par l’ensemble Opera Nova (Disque Grammont CTS-M63) sous la direction de Gerald Bennett.

Category: Works, 6 instruments


Altération (1991, fragment)

same formation as the full version[More...]

Altération (Fragment).

Category: Works, Ensembles (8 - 20 instruments)


Cut Sounds (1991)

for organ (mechanical traction with electronic registers)[More...]

À l’orgue de l’église des Jésuites de Lucerne : Heidi Bollhalder, sept. 2010, Lucerne Festival.

Category: Works, for 1 instrument


Espressivo (1990)

fantasy for cymbalum solo, flute, oboe, clarinet, fagot, horn, harp, synthesizer, 2 violins, 2 violas and 2 cellos[More...]

Enregistrement DRS Basel avec Mark Foster et Matthias Würsch au cymbalum.

Category: Works, Ensembles (8 - 20 instruments)


Anaphores (1989)

fantasy for piano and orchestra[More...]

Nouvel Orchestre Philharmonique Radio France, Ichiro Nodaïra (piano), Yves Prin

Category: Works, Works for soloists and orchestra